Monday, April 16, 2012

W00h...b0ys! c0me and g0!!

Hey love, love is complicated and yes sometimes it's gonna hurt but don't be all that frustrated in due time u are gonna learn. Guys will come & make your head spin round, they'll make your heart beat then they'll cut you down. So dont be fooled cause its n0t always love. They're come & go, they dont kn0w what they're doing & if they goodbye pls dont cry its n0t your loss, it's theirs. Hmm boys these days think they're all so sure, but they don't have a clue they're always rushing everything like life's a race & the trophy is u. So dont u go giving your everything to a boy u dont kn0w cause they day might c0me when he's leaving & he's taking everything that yours. They dont kn0w what they're doing. And if they say gudbye it's part of life dont be too scared to love again. I dont mean anyone in particular,d0nt be mad at meee :) tamaan sapul...haha jk :p tess sign off ~,~ nyt!

vain is meee! :|