Thursday, June 14, 2012

J0URNEY! :>))

The mystery of human life unfolds as we travel the different roads in our journey. And loving is one road that often takes long travelling. There are times when we need to stop & keep still to nourish the moments. And then more again & carry with us whatever we have learned from it. There are also times when we are tempted to make a detour & choose the fast lane.

However, more often than not, this brings us heavy load. But whatever it caused, the experience is learned. Loving can be unlearned. As we pass through each road, this becomes a yesterday & the next will be tomorrow. The yesterday we treasure for what it brought us & the tomorrow is the hope for another moment to cherish. One thing that we should be grateful for is that as we grow older, our views in the journey is wider & we have become wiser. Though sorrow comes along & the road is lonely, we can still smile & appreciate the little things we see. God has His way to lead u on your next step. Gud day every0ne... (tess sign off) =)

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