Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I think s0o0o0o! :))

Hmmm...if u need God to open some doors for you, just pray and ask and it will done. Uhm actually, i have my own God, who's there only for me. I dont think he has anything to do with the so called Holy Bible, because there have been so many new Bibles over the past thousands of years and i think each one has had more seasoning been added to each new one along the road.. So there! wala lng.. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! We should always pray! And have faith to God...wehehe :p

Monday, February 27, 2012

my life...f

family should stick together no matter what!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just feelin g00d

Good morning and wake up and tell yourself i am healthy and strong,haha! :) i feel super blessed with the gift of the health and wellness.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


As long as i live i am your parent, 1st your friend, 2nd i will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you, drive you insane, be your worst nightmare & hunt you down like a bloodhound when needed because I LOVE U. When you understand that i will know... you are a responsible adult. U will never find someone who loves,prays, cares & worries about you more than i do. If u hate me once in your life i am n0t doing my job properly.

GO!! Bryan and Tiffny Millares... (edited)


My plan today :) lol (tuesday)

Uhm, the weather was so wet and miserable yesterday...(it's rainy monday) what a different today, it is a beautiful sun shining day. Oh, thank God for another gift of life to me. So now i am going to my mom's house with tiff.. (: see yah!!

Oh n0! your head :)

Monday, February 20, 2012


Theres n0 fool like a learned fool, so dont just live,but always live to learn because when your die, u surely forget all that you've learn. Haha! seriously! In life have learn that u dont get any marks for trying. Uhm so am n0t interested in sophisticated reasons 4 failure, and when i meet competition,obstacles or worries. I crush it....(nah) because to me,nothing is more humiliating than to see idiot succeed in enterprises that i have failed in. So i dont Dull!! ~,~

My thoughts...

Truth is everyone going to hurt you. U just have to figure out the ones worth suffering for. I kn0w it seems hard sometimes but just remember one thing, through every dark night, theres a bright day after that. So n0 matter how hard it gets keep your head up,stick your chest out, & handle it.

yeah! yeah! yeah!

Lets chill.........its m0nday m0rning! weeeeh it s0o0o coldddddddd.......(buh0s pa ulan aking mund0y lunurin tuluyan) hehe! Lamiggggg talaga! :|

Prayer! :)

Lord, there are so many who live alone in this world without family to encourage them,listen to them, support them yet,you have blessed me by placing me within a family that gives depth & meaning to my life :) a family that offers me love n0 matter what i do or do n0t do. Fill my heart with the gratitude that never takes such a blessing for granted. ILOVEU tiff & dhel! (thank God) (:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My mom carried me in her womb for nine months.. She felt sick for months with nausea,then she walked her feet swell, & her skin stretch & tears. She struggled to...climb stairs,she got breathless quick,she suffered many sleepless nights. She their went thr0ugh excruciating pain to bring me into this world then. She became my nurse,my chef,my maid,my chauffeur,my biggest fan,my teacher, & my bestfriend, she struggled for me cried over me,hoped the best for me, & prayed for me.
I love my mama with all my heart & soul.
Ma,you are truly one of a kind, ill never be able to thank u 4 what u have done for me & my siblings.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

uhm updated pics :D

i love me, i am who i am, i do what makes me happy. I live for me n0t u. You may n0t agree with me but im n0t seeking your approval. Im happy with all that i am.