Sunday, February 19, 2012

My mom carried me in her womb for nine months.. She felt sick for months with nausea,then she walked her feet swell, & her skin stretch & tears. She struggled to...climb stairs,she got breathless quick,she suffered many sleepless nights. She their went thr0ugh excruciating pain to bring me into this world then. She became my nurse,my chef,my maid,my chauffeur,my biggest fan,my teacher, & my bestfriend, she struggled for me cried over me,hoped the best for me, & prayed for me.
I love my mama with all my heart & soul.
Ma,you are truly one of a kind, ill never be able to thank u 4 what u have done for me & my siblings.


Tessha Llena Cañete (Millares) said...

Salamat ma :))

Tessha Llena Cañete (Millares) said...

U never appreciate all of the things your mother did for you until you find yourself doing the same things for your kids.