Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I think s0o0o0o! :))

Hmmm...if u need God to open some doors for you, just pray and ask and it will done. Uhm actually, i have my own God, who's there only for me. I dont think he has anything to do with the so called Holy Bible, because there have been so many new Bibles over the past thousands of years and i think each one has had more seasoning been added to each new one along the road.. So there! wala lng.. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! We should always pray! And have faith to God...wehehe :p

1 comment:

Tessha Llena Cañete (Millares) said...

Oh Lord, as i thank u for the gift of life. I also thank u for the gift of wonderful people i have met along this journey. Some of them inspire me, stretch me,challenge me, love me and encourage me. All of them helped me to realize how meaningful and beautiful my life is. I love them so much.Bless them Lord with good health,security,wealth,success,peace and joy. Grant their prayers too. AMEN!