Thursday, March 22, 2012

Even if you do things the right way... Some would still be unsatisfied..some will not appreciate. What you say and what you do.. And there would always be people who would let you down too :(( But for as long as you speak honestly from the heart, you will be fine :) This is not a perfect world...this is not a perfect life. Life is almost always unfair. But God loves the person who dares live the life :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Jesus Christ never rejected the sinful samaritan w0man but rather He showed her love & acceptance by offering her living water (John 4:7-10) hehe try ni0 basahin :)) This means Jesus will never reject anyone who comes to Him to be cleansed from sin. Hmm...wait! kailan nga ba ako na baptized?!) arg,i forg0t it :( (siguro 13yrs old ako that time) waley lang,naalala ko lang bigla..hehe! So there, whatever situati0n you are facing. Jesus will never reject. Jesus accepts anyone who comes to Him in faith. Maybe you have prayed but have not yet received an answer. Don't misinterpret God's silence as rejection. Our Lord gives healing when we are sick. He gives blessing when we are p00r. Jesus accepts anyone who comes to Him in faith, even those previously rejected Him. God's silence maybe to strengthen your desire for him, To reform you for a better positi0n or to stop you awhile to prepare you for the challenges ahead. I love you s0o much Lord. Thank u for everythng! Gudnyt every0ne! ~,~

Saturday, March 10, 2012



Wednesday, March 07, 2012

As far as i kn0w! :)

Happiness for me is to kn0w that my life has meaning and purpose. That everyday my life touches others in a positive way...whether to make them laugh or learn or b0th at once. You dont find happiness, u make happiness. U cho0se happiness. Remember that there is n0 happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Actually happiness when you're sorrounded with the pers0n u love,especially your family who always there 4 u.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Im just thinkin' (1st day of month)

When someone passed away, most of us realize how great is that person... And sometimes we always think that he/she is too young or its too early for them to go. We will travel this life journey only once. And once is enough gift already. At least leave mark on each other lives. So while we are still here... treasure and enjoy each sure that before we sleep, we make someone happy...and that someone is ME,(pwede rin KAY0) haha! :D yes! making yourself happy is a blessing u can give to others. A happines without envious feeling. Happiness that is pure and crystal clear. Hehe,echoz! But seriously happiness that comes from doing God's will :)) Gudnyt Tess! Oh! By the way thank u God for an0ther month.. Welcome month of march yeah bring it on!! ^_^

Why does life have to be so hard

I cannot let myself be down like this...yes, i do accept the challenges and trials and sometimes it makes me stumble and fall and down on my kness... But... I will n0t let this things be the reas0n for me to give up. I will fight till the end.. I need to be strong.. N0..i am str0ng i will never be defeated. I am bigger than any obstacle. My foundation of strength is God.. I can win this. :)