Thursday, March 01, 2012

Im just thinkin' (1st day of month)

When someone passed away, most of us realize how great is that person... And sometimes we always think that he/she is too young or its too early for them to go. We will travel this life journey only once. And once is enough gift already. At least leave mark on each other lives. So while we are still here... treasure and enjoy each sure that before we sleep, we make someone happy...and that someone is ME,(pwede rin KAY0) haha! :D yes! making yourself happy is a blessing u can give to others. A happines without envious feeling. Happiness that is pure and crystal clear. Hehe,echoz! But seriously happiness that comes from doing God's will :)) Gudnyt Tess! Oh! By the way thank u God for an0ther month.. Welcome month of march yeah bring it on!! ^_^

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