Thursday, March 15, 2012


Jesus Christ never rejected the sinful samaritan w0man but rather He showed her love & acceptance by offering her living water (John 4:7-10) hehe try ni0 basahin :)) This means Jesus will never reject anyone who comes to Him to be cleansed from sin. Hmm...wait! kailan nga ba ako na baptized?!) arg,i forg0t it :( (siguro 13yrs old ako that time) waley lang,naalala ko lang bigla..hehe! So there, whatever situati0n you are facing. Jesus will never reject. Jesus accepts anyone who comes to Him in faith. Maybe you have prayed but have not yet received an answer. Don't misinterpret God's silence as rejection. Our Lord gives healing when we are sick. He gives blessing when we are p00r. Jesus accepts anyone who comes to Him in faith, even those previously rejected Him. God's silence maybe to strengthen your desire for him, To reform you for a better positi0n or to stop you awhile to prepare you for the challenges ahead. I love you s0o much Lord. Thank u for everythng! Gudnyt every0ne! ~,~

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