Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Niece! :)

Ron ron's daughter, 4 days na siya today! Her name is andrea :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

NE0ZEP! :((sick)

I’ve been sick for the last few days and it’s driving me insane. It started with a simple runny nose, alright, I can deal with that…(keri lang!) Now, unfortunately, my nose is mega blocked and I don’t know. kakairita langs! (I know this is weird, but I really don’t know) how to breath through my mouth. When I do, I feel so awkward. I guess it’s because I never breath through my mouth, and always through my nose. (Lol!) Since my nose has been blocked, I haven’t been getting as much oxygen as usual so I’m constantly feeling light headed lately and it sucks. I hate also trying to take a breath and choking on air because my nose is that blocked. Sabayan pa ng cough and sore throat.. Hays unwell talaga :( Good thing wala akong fever, still thankful :) so ayun last night i went to pharmacy para lang bumili ng isang banig na ne0zep. hays hopefully maging ok na pakiramdam ko today :) Good morning Lord, thank u for another day. AIthough i woke up so early today..

Monday, September 10, 2012

What HURTS?! O_o

* letting go of a person you've just learned to love
* reminiscing the good times you shared together
* shielding your heart to love somebody
* trying to hide what you really feel
* trying to hide the tears that involuntarily fall from your eyes
* loving a person too much
* giving up someone you never thought of giving up
* having the right love at the wrong time
* taking the risk to fall in love again
* hiding your relationship from someone else
* controlling your feelings to avoid hurting a friend
* thinking of him/her every waking & sleeping moment knowing all the while that (s)he never even thinks a single thought of you
* letting go, because every time you see the person, you only fall deeper
* holding back only to find out when it's too late, you both felt the same way, but were only scared to lose each other so much that didn't let the feelings out
* falling in love with someone you didn't mean to fall in love with
* finding the perfect guy/girl..with only one problem..(s)he doesn't love you..the way you want him/ her to..
* helping the one you love "make ligaw" to your friend
* seeing the one you love crying for someone else
* the waiting also hurts like hell
* having to hear "..I've met someone"
* agreeing to his/her wish to 'just be friends'
* asking his/her freedom back because (s)he'd be happier with her/him
* having the courage to say I LOVE YOU to the person you love and finding out afterwards that things
will never be the same again when (s)he doesn't treat you with the same closeness as before
* asking you to 'forget that
everything that happened' and be 'normal' friends again... After you've been hurt..
...learning to forgive
...learning to trust and love again

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Happy Birthday Mama Mary!

Today, the christian community celebrates the birth of Mama Mary, the blessed host of our Lord Jesus, so that what was written will happen. As a virgin woman, she accepted the will of God with no hesitation to bear His Son so as to save the humanity from eternal sin. Let us follow the example of Mama Mary in giving unconditional love to a son, the mother of all faith, beacon of peace. Happy Birthday Mama Mary! Help us live in peace by following your example, by holy spirit, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Friday, September 07, 2012

T.G.I.F :)

Another week ending! And this week is coming to an end! It’s been a long and boring week, as usual, and I’m waiting for something next week and because of that I feel like this week is going even longer weeeh! just think positive. Hmmm..so ayun sana lang ibigay na ni Lord smin. Hehe! Appreciate the weather :)) Happy weekends everyone.. Godbless us ^^

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Job Hunting is hard! :|

Whoever said that finding a job is easy, was lying. It’s not. My mom’s always telling me na madali daw ako makahanap ng work dahil may aral naman daw ako. Infairness to her may kasama pang sermon un... Hay naku mom! hindi kea... depende pa din sa pag applayan mu. Kung sa bar siguro or tindera aaplayan mu, madali talaga makapasok.. Hahaha! Lol :D

Seriously though. For months
I’ve been trying to find a job and regardless, they always want someone with experience and they’re not nice about it either! It’s always either two years, or five years. Blah! san naman ako kukuha ng ganun experience? Lol! So there, kung di sana dumating ng maaga si tiffny smin...haha! jokes :D Nevermind! :p

Seriously? Lame!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Days have passed and I’m still bored with my life. So many good plans running in my mind but what can I do? I’m just an ordinary girl with nothing to prove. How I wish my life could have been like Richie Rich were he would always want what he wants in his life. Can eat anything, buy fancy clothes or shoes, have the coolest gadgets and can travel the anytime. His life was so quite perfect. I may not be like him but I can tell to myself that I CAN DO IT! I may not be able to buy anything I want but someday I will. Life is so unfair. People around you are doing the same old damn thing everyday. They would criticize, hurt you and even compare you to others. With these accusations, I tend to work harder and I always stay positive. Haay.. dreams are so much better than reality. That’s life.

B-e-a-utiful- Megan Nicole (Original Song) (lyrics)

Im in love with Megan Nicole's voice. Oh my! lol

Monday, September 03, 2012


Morning everyone! So it’s Monday, which
means it’s the beginning of a new week and I hope that you guys are going to have a wonderful week. There’s something I’m looking forward to this week, but I’m not going to say anything just yet! I wasn’t going to write a blog right now, but I was browsing around and I unfortunately stumbled upon this
delicious picture… hehe aga aga im craving for some chocolates. Lol! Nwei laundry time muna... Byie guys! Have a great morning :)

Sunday, September 02, 2012

My Family!

Favorite Song at the moment!!

Definitely one of my favorite
songs right now because all I’m
doing is listening to this song on
repeat, over and over! I’m
definitely a big fan of One Direction..

So turn up your speakers guys
and Make it Bump!!

Picture Picture!

when boredom attacks last night with my sister in law (khriz) and tiffie sa apitong:)

Sunday Morning! with Hagard Look..

I love Sunday mornings! It’s the end of a weekend, and it’s a nice relaxing day even if all my damn days are bored! haha. I woke up feeling horribly sick this morning, spent an hour at 6am with the worst stomach pains and feeling like I was going to throw up, siguro dahil sa lakas ng electric fan kea ayun sinikmura ako. But by 7am it settled and I was able to fall back asleep. When I woke up again around 8am I was still feeling a little off, but it wasn’t as bad as earlier. Kaso mejo kulang pa din sa sleep, ingay ng mga kids na naglalaro! argh! anyway were still here in apitong with dhel and tiffny..

So there,hope you guys are having a good weekend, and get ready for a review that’s coming up on my blog soon!

Saturday, September 01, 2012

1st day of BER months :)

A few things on my wishlist
I really want for Christmas! wish lang naman ehh...walang masama dun....di masama ang mangarap!! singing mode..lol

I know a lot of people have
wishes, and most people that
have told me their one wish for
life, is that they want a good
husband/wife, and a perfect
loving family. Mine’s to become a good mom with tiffny..

New Theme!

I updated my theme, and display profile as you can see, and I’m really loving this
one! I was wondering, though,
what YOU guys think about it? Feedback is always wonderful!!