Tuesday, September 11, 2012

NE0ZEP! :((sick)

I’ve been sick for the last few days and it’s driving me insane. It started with a simple runny nose, alright, I can deal with that…(keri lang!) Now, unfortunately, my nose is mega blocked and I don’t know. kakairita langs! (I know this is weird, but I really don’t know) how to breath through my mouth. When I do, I feel so awkward. I guess it’s because I never breath through my mouth, and always through my nose. (Lol!) Since my nose has been blocked, I haven’t been getting as much oxygen as usual so I’m constantly feeling light headed lately and it sucks. I hate also trying to take a breath and choking on air because my nose is that blocked. Sabayan pa ng cough and sore throat.. Hays unwell talaga :( Good thing wala akong fever, still thankful :) so ayun last night i went to pharmacy para lang bumili ng isang banig na ne0zep. hays hopefully maging ok na pakiramdam ko today :) Good morning Lord, thank u for another day. AIthough i woke up so early today..

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